Haproxy exposes a very useful statistics page that can be accessed over a web browser or from the command line using a tool like curl.
Haproxy allows the stats to be exposed in a CSV format that is exceedingly useful if you are going to have a script around it.
To access the CSV stats from http interface use the below:
curl -u statsuser:statspassword 'http://haproxyhost:8001/stats/?stats;csv;' 2>/dev/null |egrep -iv "up|^#|open" |cut -d"," -f1,2,18
Where port 8001 is the statistics port as defined in the haproxy config.
The config is simple, already shown in older posts, should be something like this:
listen stats *:8001
stats enable
stats uri /stats
stats hide-version
stats auth statsuser:statspassword
The above mini script will print out only the apps and backends that show as down.
working ones will not show up.
The CVS header is also stripped as the header always starts with a "#" this makes it possible to process only the data using a grep -v as above.
The CSV result contains a big amount of info that can be used for load management and automation.
The details of the haproxy CSV stats layout can be found at:
Haproxy allows the stats to be exposed in a CSV format that is exceedingly useful if you are going to have a script around it.
To access the CSV stats from http interface use the below:
curl -u statsuser:statspassword 'http://haproxyhost:8001/stats/?stats;csv;' 2>/dev/null |egrep -iv "up|^#|open" |cut -d"," -f1,2,18
Where port 8001 is the statistics port as defined in the haproxy config.
The config is simple, already shown in older posts, should be something like this:
listen stats *:8001
stats enable
stats uri /stats
stats hide-version
stats auth statsuser:statspassword
The above mini script will print out only the apps and backends that show as down.
working ones will not show up.
The CVS header is also stripped as the header always starts with a "#" this makes it possible to process only the data using a grep -v as above.
The CSV result contains a big amount of info that can be used for load management and automation.
The details of the haproxy CSV stats layout can be found at: