The below code is used to log connection counts on a SOA gateway (Actional in this case).
The aim is to try to see when the connections spike and have a kind of history benchmark to tell if things are looking fine.
below is a simple shell command to log established connection by IP address:
netstat -nat |grep ESTAB |cut -d ":" -f8,9 |sort |uniq -c
This is made to run on a crontab job every 5 mins.
The output is exposed (from a web server) to another script on a monitoring server that inserts this data into a mysql database for furture processing or reporting:
for rec in `curl http://mywebmonitor:10080/checkTC/soa/host_con_cnt 2>/dev/null |grep EST|tr -s " "|tr " " ":"`
CON_CNT=`echo $rec|cut -d":" -f2`
IP=`echo $rec|cut -d":" -f3`
HOST=`nslookup ${IP}|grep name |cut -d "=" -f2 |sed 's/^ //g'|sed 's/.$//g'`
WSPORT=`echo $rec|cut -d":" -f4`
echo "INSERT INTO ssz_monitor.Actional_host_con_count (TCP_CON_CNT,HostName,IP,WS_Port,Actional_node,Timestamp) VALUES ('${CON_CNT}','${HOST}','${IP}','${WSPORT}','act05','`date +%Y%m%d%H%M `');"
done >insert05.sql
mysql -u root -proot <insert05.sql
The data is inserted in the table and using HiediSQL we can export to analyze in Excel or any other spread sheet.
I am looking in creating reporting graphs out of this table, that would be much quicker to help if we have an issue.
The aim is to try to see when the connections spike and have a kind of history benchmark to tell if things are looking fine.
below is a simple shell command to log established connection by IP address:
netstat -nat |grep ESTAB |cut -d ":" -f8,9 |sort |uniq -c
This is made to run on a crontab job every 5 mins.
The output is exposed (from a web server) to another script on a monitoring server that inserts this data into a mysql database for furture processing or reporting:
for rec in `curl http://mywebmonitor:10080/checkTC/soa/host_con_cnt 2>/dev/null |grep EST|tr -s " "|tr " " ":"`
CON_CNT=`echo $rec|cut -d":" -f2`
IP=`echo $rec|cut -d":" -f3`
HOST=`nslookup ${IP}|grep name |cut -d "=" -f2 |sed 's/^ //g'|sed 's/.$//g'`
WSPORT=`echo $rec|cut -d":" -f4`
echo "INSERT INTO ssz_monitor.Actional_host_con_count (TCP_CON_CNT,HostName,IP,WS_Port,Actional_node,Timestamp) VALUES ('${CON_CNT}','${HOST}','${IP}','${WSPORT}','act05','`date +%Y%m%d%H%M `');"
done >insert05.sql
mysql -u root -proot <insert05.sql
The data is inserted in the table and using HiediSQL we can export to analyze in Excel or any other spread sheet.
I am looking in creating reporting graphs out of this table, that would be much quicker to help if we have an issue.